After the release of the first 2 series, it is time to show case the series 3!

This coming series in November 2018 will come with 5 figures.
First is the Alter Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler)

The Archer having two in this series.

Archer Euryale

Saber Gilles de Rais

And finally, Rider, Medusa

Releasing in November 2018, selling each in blind box at 1,200 YEN.

This coming series in November 2018 will come with 5 figures.
First is the Alter Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler)

The Archer having two in this series.

Archer Euryale

Saber Gilles de Rais

And finally, Rider, Medusa

Releasing in November 2018, selling each in blind box at 1,200 YEN.