This year Playmobil Collector Club exclusive is Joan of Arc and I love this figure from the start when I lay my eyes on her.

The package is a simple card box with color background and you may notice the name was not really in English. It was written Jeanne d'Arc
Inside the card was a plastic packaging with the figure and her accessories.

Taking her out of the bag, she look amazing with silver kinda chrome on her chain mail and her boots. Her arms armour was one piece rather than 2 pieces being removable.

The back show the contrast of her armour black and silver.

A close up you will see her face and a cross necklace painted on her armour like it is swinging.

Her accessories are a flag pole, white banner and a gold sword!!

Her helmet was painted in silver shine and it look so heavy.

She look great when she wore the Helmet. She is ready!

Now hold the banner and let it fly high Joan!!

I was wondering why it was a white banner... it is not like she is surrendering....

The golden sword was a long one. Quite suitable for a warrior but not a claymore which I do not think she can handle by one hand.

Overall I am loving this exclusive as I always have a soft spot for Knight and this is a female Knight and a history figure. What else can I asked for more.
Do you like Joan of Arc?

The package is a simple card box with color background and you may notice the name was not really in English. It was written Jeanne d'Arc
The story of Jeanne d'Arc is an amazing one. So amazing there are books written and movie made.
This is one of her famous version in armor and weapon.
Excited it is time to Open the Toy!!
Inside the card was a plastic packaging with the figure and her accessories.

Taking her out of the bag, she look amazing with silver kinda chrome on her chain mail and her boots. Her arms armour was one piece rather than 2 pieces being removable.

The back show the contrast of her armour black and silver.

A close up you will see her face and a cross necklace painted on her armour like it is swinging.

Her accessories are a flag pole, white banner and a gold sword!!

Her helmet was painted in silver shine and it look so heavy.

She look great when she wore the Helmet. She is ready!

Now hold the banner and let it fly high Joan!!

I was wondering why it was a white banner... it is not like she is surrendering....

The golden sword was a long one. Quite suitable for a warrior but not a claymore which I do not think she can handle by one hand.

Overall I am loving this exclusive as I always have a soft spot for Knight and this is a female Knight and a history figure. What else can I asked for more.
Do you like Joan of Arc?