7-Eleven x Toy Story Halloween in Japan

As Halloween is around the corner, Japan 7-Eleven is having something that interest me which is Toy Story!!

Some of the activities and promotion include getting a ticket for 600 Yen and see if you are lucky to win the below prizes.

Prize A: 14cm tall Woody and Buzz in Halloween theme.

Prize B: 13.5cm Aliens in Horror theme

Prize C: 13.5cm Aliens in Fun theme

Prize D  Alien head pillow around 40cm in length

Prize E – Alien Cosplay Blanket with hood with 100cm long

Prize F – Cup and Bowl of Toy Story

Prize G: Halloween Toy Story Stationary

Prize H is Chibi Kyun Chara Toy Story “Trick-or-Toys” version

One last one, the  Chibi Kyun Chara Aliens Set

There are Lunch boxes by Toy Story theme at 1400 YEN

Check out Japan 7-Eleven for more details. 


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