Nendoroid Deathnote L version 2 is Coming

More than a Decade ago, Good smile release L from Deathnote and I did the review of that L version 1 way back in 2008. Now version 2 will be releasing and it is time to see what are things they have updated it.

Like the version 1, L would come with a seat but the seat this time look better design. More luxurious.

It also come with 2 legs and bodies. One of them squatting down just like version 1.

Another of him walking with hands in his pocket.

Instead of a hand with phone, this time it come with a cake and a fork for L to hold.

The toy also come with chain handcuffs to use with Light as well.

So what happen to my Nendoroid L version 1? Well it has become sticky and parts were broke after I took it out to clean it. You can read on my Toys would turn old post for more details.

So the question would be will I be interested in getting L again for version 2. What do you think?

L version 2 will be releasing on April 2020.


chrismandesign said…
Uhmmm, I think that’s the fate of toys / collectibles made with PVC parts in hot and humid climates: they become sticky and prone to be broken... I guess you have some limitations regarding what you choose to collect, when you live in places where that kind of climate conditions are present...

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